magnetic hill of leh,india

what is magnetic hill? चुंबकीय पहाड़ी क्या है ? this is the wonderful phenomenon of the science where the rules of gravity also fails to explain it. there are many other place in world even in india where something like magnetic hill phenomenon can be seen. example is tulsishyam in gujrat. you are getting suprise to hear that there is road where if you off the car engine, even after it your car start to go on uphill at speed of 20 km per hour. many people are dont know about it when they go there. there is one fixed spot where you have to stop the car for enjoy this phenomenon. यह एक ऐसा स्थान है जंहा पर विज्ञान की एक रोचक घटना होती है जिसको समजने में वैज्ञानिक भी सफल नहीं हुए। यहाँ पर रोड पर अगर आप अपना वाहन छोड़ कर चले जाएंगे तो अगले दिन आपको अपना वाहन नहीं ...