Quantum world : The hardest known science क्या है क्वांटम दुनिया?
you might already familier to the word quantum. the quantum physics or quantum mechanics one of weird and toughest subject of the science. Niels bohr and Max planck , two of the founding fathers of quantum theory,each received nobel price in physics for work on quanta. then albert einstein widened the quantum theory by describing light as quanta in his photoelectric effects. today i will share some mind blowing facts and technology arrived from quantum world. so lets start by understanding the simple meaning of quantum particles. 1. The wave particle duality of the quantum Particles. The quantum particles all atoms , electrons etc. have the dual nature. It is as solid as particle and also at the same time it is wave as non solid. That means that all the things on world are both waves and particle at the basic level. Th...