Quantum world : The hardest known science क्या है क्वांटम दुनिया?


         you might already familier to the word quantum. the quantum physics or quantum mechanics one of weird and toughest subject of the science. Niels bohr and Max planck , two of the founding fathers of quantum theory,each received nobel price in physics for work on quanta. then albert einstein widened the quantum theory by describing light as quanta in his photoelectric effects. 

   today i will share some mind blowing facts and technology arrived from quantum world. so lets start by understanding the simple meaning of quantum particles. 

  1. The wave particle duality of the quantum Particles.

              The quantum particles all atoms , electrons etc. have the dual nature. It is as solid as particle and also at the same time it is wave as non solid. That means that all the things on world are both waves and particle at the basic level. The phone you are using right now,  the place you are sitting right now all things surrounded you are waves and particle both at the same times. This theory is proposed by louis de broglie in 1924.  

  2. Quantum entanglement

      The quantum entanglement is the one of the greatest part of quantum mechanics that makes it hard to understand in terms of everyday world. Let first go on definition. The quantum mechanical phenomenon in which quantum state of the two or more object have to be described with reference to each other, even though they are separated by large distance.  
     Can't understand? Let i will try to explain it. Let assume the two objects or person One is A and other is B are in contact with each other. Then common sense says that they will affect each other.  Because they are in frequently contacted. Then if the A and B be separated by distance more than thousands. Then common sense says that they will not affect each other because they are not in contact. But here quantum physics say that it will affect each other even if it is separated by larger distance. one example,  If one of it rotates clockwise than other will affected and rotates in anticlockwise. This is not acceptable according to daily world and it is likely to be fiction. Einstein and neil bohrs had controversy on this topic. Neil bohr was opposed to this theory of Einstein. But after some years scientists proved that Einstein was right. They experiment with photons, electrons, even small diamonds. Einstein called it as 'spooky action at a distance'. 

 3. Indefinite casual order 

    This is another mind blowing rule of the quantum world. In our world all events happened are in linear order which is cause and effect rule. Let take one example. On eath first you are born, then you start education, then job,marraige and old age. But ifwe apply quantum rules to this then it says that no events happened in order. In quantum world all events happened in indefinite order. In quantum world effect can occurs before its cause. If event B is cause of event A. Then it may be happened that event B happen before event A take place. According to quantum world the time is illusion. The quantum world is amazing...
4. The future state of the particle can affect its past state. 
  This statement make the quantum world supernatural. We heard till today that our present changes the future. But quantum world says that our future can affect the past. This is not acceptable for our world. Because it sound  impossible. No one can believe that the future can affect the past.  But it is true to the quantum level. Scientist named yoon-ho kim proved this statement. The experiment done is known as Delayed choice quantum eraser. Lets tryed to understand some topic before it to understand it well. In first we talk about the dual nature of the electron. That it is wave and particle both at same time. Here we cant see electron as a wave because under the observation electrons are foced to be in particle state. But if there is no observation then electron can be in both state. This is the base of the experiment conducted by him. 

  Delayed choice quantum eraser
            This is double slit experiment. In this experiment electron are passed through the double slit. After passing through double slit they change their state from particle to wave and displayed on the screen placed behind it under no quantum 'observer'. 

   But if there is conscious observer then the electrons are passed through double slit without changing the state. It will collide as particle on the screen.  So if there is observer before electrons strike on double slit then it will not show as wave on screen. 

     If we add an observer when electrons are   passed from double slit and almost near to screen. Then it have to be not change because after passing through double slit they changed their state to waves. So observer have to be observed electrons as waves when they are going to strike on the screen. But observation showed that it will then also shown as particle.

        If  observer active when it come close to screen, then also observer observed it as particle not as wave. This prove that the electrons when came to know that they are being observed they changed their past in very small time and passed through double slit as particle. 

      In this way scientists could proved that at quantum level the future state of particles changed their past. Quantum physics is very amazing part of the science. Now i think you may be better understand this. If yoy are still confused then you can ask me in the comments and i will try to explain it in my limits.
    No one in the world can completely under
-stand the quantum physics. Because it is beyond the classical physics and it contradict
The rules of our world also. But these rules are trues. 

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