The interesting facts about internet that you might be not know

 In today's world all over the world the usage of internet seems to be very common. You all are using internet for various purpose. in this article i will share some interesting facts about internet..........

    1.Who try to join computer networks first time?
                       The MIT [Massachusetts Institute of Technology] in america tried to join the computer networks for first time in 1960 by sending first message " LOG...Why?" in fact the original message was " LOGIN" but computer network crashed because it can not tolerate data load of 'G'.

     2. when we search on google then it use 1000 [thousand] computers in just 5th part of the second means in 0.2 second to transfer it from there to us. this is amazing speed of working of the google.. 

3.  In the daily searches of the google 16% to 20% are new for the google that never searched on the google. It means that the out of the 5.8 billions searches the 928 millions searches are the new for the google. its amazing...!!!

4. In the united states of america more than 15% of the adult citizens not use the internet. the population of the 23 crore adults , more than 3.45 crore people in the america not connected to digital network .

5. lowest network speed in the world 
     the lowest average network speed had been detected in the country yemen of only 0.38 mbps or 380 kb per second. it might be not enough for smoother experience of the internet in social media.

6. the 20 crores people across india are using network and joined with the digital platform. it is the 20 % of the total population. the average network speed in the india is 6.5 mbps. this is the average network speed. the maximum speed can be go up to the more than 10 mbps also. 

7. First thing sold on internet
    the first thing bought on internet is the Marijuana of tiny amount in 1972 by the students of the MIT in america.

8. daily numbers of email
      the daily numbers of email transferred are about 250 billions which means  250000000000 emails. this is not surpriseful numbers to human because out of this 80% emails are spam which means 200000000000 emails are sent by spam every day. you can now just able to think that how the number of spammer increase on internet.

9. the first website
  today there are billions website on the internet. but the first website on the internet which is still alive on goggle is ""  you can see this website on google by searching on it. 

10.speed of internet in nasa
 the nasa is space research institute of the america. it is most famous and advanced in the world. the speed of internet in nasa is about 92000 mbps or 92 gbps. it is very high for working of some project or programme in the nasa.
11. website hacked per day
  every day in the world 30000 websites are hacked by hackers. the trends of hackers is increasing very rapidly. most hacked sites are from wordpress and joomla and magento. approximately 80 to 90 % are of wordpress.

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See also this :- 
           2. Magnetic hill of india


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